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What are the Most Popular Social Media Platforms? 7 Best Social Media Platform for your Business

 Best Social Media Platform for Business

The previous decades have observed the haunting experience regarding the clients' search and how to maintain the long-term relationship with the customer. With the burst of social media, the opportunities are getting higher to take potential clients more serious, and the best part is that you can interact with them in real-time. After the pandemic outburst, the need for social media usage has increased multiple times than before. With time these platforms have improved immensely after experiencing the business and individual needs, but the competition has also become fierce. The good part is that the huge population is still available on all these platforms where you can not only interact with them but also retain them for the long term. You can find the most highly advanced, user-friendly, simple yet highly progressive market for your business on these platforms that will help you improve your business.

What are the Most Popular Social Media Platforms?

Many people ask which social media platform is best for my business? Here are mentioned seven best social media platforms for businesses that can grow and maintain their social presence. 

These social media platforms are designed based on age, preferences, interests, and gender. According to one study, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are highly popular social platforms internationally.   


It is the giant hub of international clients that can't be neglected so easily as the highest consumer market can be reached through this fantastic platform. In digital marketing, the companies are crafting the content for the Facebook target audience that will hit their minds and successfully grab their attention. The mix of content can be used to make the audience aware of the brands or products that can be helpful to give them a good user experience. Different strategies can be used, such as live video, handling the customers' queries by providing them good customer support, and some innovative ads depending upon the nature of products which can be humorous to involve the customers or be informative.

The Question / Answers sessions can be used to appreciate the customer's involvement and make them feel valued. This can help build a strong brand relationship and be used as good word of mouth.

It is equally important to know your target audience for whom you will make content and their location, which will also let you know their preferences.


Instagram is known for its visual content, and this platform is recognized as a great opportunity if you want to promote visual content. This app is specially designed for a smartphone as most of the public uses it, so if any company wants to promote a brand or product, the quality must adhere to the taste and preference of the Instagram audience. It must be remembered that for a company that wants to use Facebook and Instagram for the next promotional campaign, the mindset of the app users must be kept in mind, along with the targeted market. Instagram is also recognized for supporting the business by making a business account on Instagram. Different customized options are available in simple touch-up buttons that make your business image more professional and responsive. The sponsored ads can also be created by hiring Instagram influencers to create more reliability and trust.


A product of Google, considered the second largest search engine, is the most significant opportunity to connect with potential clients/customers globally. Youtube provides its user with a channel creation facility to interact with the audience and can create a need for the products or services. On a separate channel, you can make creative content in a serialized form or create informative videos about the product or any creative or humorous content that must be likeable to the targeted audience. Various brands interact with their clients by regularly uploading their creative content, such as Zara's, HudaBeauty etc. Another scheme to make your clients aware is creating Youtube ads, which will run on the highly viewed videos. The stats of the uploaded content can be assessed, and a new strategy can be adopted to make more engaging content.


 Many people wonder how to use this app to keep the clients engaged; however, it is just for communication. Almost all businesses maintain a customer database; their contact numbers can be utilized here and added to the business WhatsApp. The business WhatsApp helps manage your business profile, and you will manage your catalogue. This is the first introduction of your business to the client. You can create amazing content about your business and add it to the WhatsApp story; this will help you reach your content to all of the contacts on WhatsApp. Moreover, you can add your business number to the different WhatsApp groups or create your group and share the content. You can also sort out the customer queries being responsive over there.


Another emerging social media app famous for making viral content falls on the favourite list of most marketers is TikTok. The trends on TikTok have helped starters or beginners with the different ideas and helped increase sales. Many Chinese companies are using a few seconds to a minute engaging video about the product, increasing the followers and ultimately increasing the customers buying and retention rate.


Again this app falls among one the top social media platforms which have the strength to directly interact with potential customers and increase the conversion rate. The trends on Twitter help the marketers know the clients' preferences, habits, and mindsets and create the content accordingly. The marketers indirectly ask the questions from clients to generate different ideas for the product's improvement, get feedback, or solve the customer queries by being responsive. Thus, presence on this platform is essential to keep the clients aware of your brands.


Pinterest follows a different format and makes customers aware of the other consumer niche. Pinterest provides an opportunity for the customer to know about the emerging trends, and marketers have an excellent opportunity to target a specific niche audience and create a need for the clients to shop with them. You can make some particular niche content in the form of a different picture to market your brand and cash this strategy by increasing customer involvement.

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