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How to Improve the Team Performance - 10 Ways to Increase Team Productivity - BizTech

How to Increase Team Productivity

The organizations have been facing colossal responsibility for building a good team and reaping good outcomes. With the changing paradigm and the business models, the hierarchical patterns are shifting towards groups. Along with the rapid interference of the technology, the business is functioning through online mediums or carrying the hybrid culture, due to which the effectiveness has become a significant concern. The various types of teams in an organization, especially in the same department, can create conflicts and unhealthy competition, which prunes a negative impact on the rest of the teams as well. As a team leader, the responsibility lies heavily on the shoulder with initiatives to take for the team to prosper.

How to Improve the Team's Performance

Here are mentioned 10 tips or strategies that show the ways to improve team performance.

1. The Hiring

Once the project's mission under authority gets clear, the hiring or the intake of the right team members is crucial for the team's survival and progress. The involvement, unique ideas and innovative strategies, and problem-solving attitude will work more efficiently towards the common goal.

2. Give the Team Performance Criteria and Make it Accountable. 

Whether the teams are old or built newly, it is always recommended to describe the performance standard. For successful results, the team leader needs to take some prior initiatives that what criteria need to be set for which the team will be accountable. Without proper guidance, the team will be considered relaxed or confused about KPI if they have not been made aware. More the set parameters are the guidelines that made the team clear about the expectations, the strategy, and the responsibility regarding the tasks undersigned. Once clear, the team can make the right struggles to accomplish the tasks.

3. Diversity

The diversified teams bring more advantages to the work, and it is always suggested to diversify an organization. When the team members belong to various backgrounds, cultures, and vocations, there are high chances of providing more unique solutions to the problems. When belonging to the different social pieces of training, the brains strive to put effort into various manners that generate more productive results. Through diversity, a limitless number of unique ideas can be found; talent can complement the task needs that can provide supportive strength.

4. Listening to the Team's Needs, Issues, and Conflicts

Building and progressing a good team is not an easy task. It carries the interaction of people with different mindsets and behavioural and psychological patterns, and dealing with humans may fall to conflicts and some organizational issues.The team leader or the HR person must listen to the problems and reach the solution.

5. Give the Team Adequate Resources.

The organization must arrange and allocate adequate resources to the teams to reach the common goals. If the resources are insufficient or assigned inadequately, there is a high chance of conflicts due to poor management, which can affect the organization's overall performance. Instead of putting effort into the assigned tasks, the teams will be involved in the leg-pulling, or the dictatorship rule, which will not be in the favour of the organization.

6. Take them as Partners and Give them Empowerment.

The employees are the backbone who lead the organization to the height of success. In the previous decades, the employees were considered a commodity, and the boss was the only person with the authority to decide. Now with advancement, things have changed. The employees must be empowered to make the necessary decisions. The jobs must be delegated in a way that should remove the unambiguity. This step will reduce the time for task accomplishment and fewer people involvement will keep things simple and efficiency will increase. 

7. The Positive Culture

This is very important to build a positive environment in the organization as this will help in continuing the smooth working. Further, it will give a message to the workforce to understand the organization and an open platform to progress upward without any discrimination. The employees will feel free to discuss innovative ideas and will work to accomplish the goals and perform better. The insecurity towards false reports, misguidance and vague commitments will be overcome.The fair, clear and open system will keep the teams more adaptable and more satisfied with the company. 

8. Give Your Team Necessary Training


To increase the team’s productivity, it is essential to provide the necessary training to keep them intact to the performance standards. One of the fundamental rules is to keep on updating their skills that comply with the company policies. For this purpose, it is essential to keep on increasing the learning experience by creating the learning environment. This practice will make the employees well aware of the performance standards if they are better aware of the job description. The employees will be able to understand the KPI better and ultimately improve their performance.

9. Well Being Matters

Being a Human Resource Manager, it is important to know the needs and understand building the relationship with employees. Certain policies or programs should be initiated to support their health and well beings. The need for work-life balance, arranging trips or holidays, and creative activities can positively affect the employees. Moreover, flexible working hours, remote working etc. can make the employees feel better about the work. 

10. Recognition and Rewards

The employees love to be recognized if they perform well. Rewarding and appreciating the teams or employees will inspire others and obviously motivate the employee to maintain the position in the future. This practice can further improve individual and team performance.

Monetary rewards or the training, more challenging job tasks etc. will lead the employees to be more satisfied with the job.


Companies need to be more proactive in designing policies that can help the teams or employees to be more productive. These can vary from team to team depending upon the needs and behaviours, or results. They must be employee winnings and more accepting. Open communication and involving the employees in setting the policies and valuing their opinions and needs will be more accepted and it must be practised. But whatever the policies are devised, they must have a long-term and positive impact on the organization.



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