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How to Deal With a Difficult Customer? 7 Tips and Strategies for Dealing with Challenging Customers- BizTechBlogs

Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Customers

Dealing with challenging customers is an art. It requires creative solutions to tackle problematic situations. Some specific strategies were shared in different types of challenging customersNow some generalized methods or quick steps can work effectively while interacting with challenging customers. As we come across other different scenarios or difficult situations with the customers, so to avoid conflicts, seven key steps are mentioned here to improve the customer support skills and decline the customer's irritability rate.

1. Advance Preparation

It is essential to have full knowledge about product and company's rules and policies related to the products and customers. The more you advance to a mastery level, the better you can interact with the customers and handle their queries and conflicts. 

Another essential rule is to know about the customer, his personality, and his previous interactions with the support staff. Many companies manage the tickets to handle customer queries. So it would be appreciated to know any attached notes about the customers, the feedback from the previous agent, or any previous communication screenshots. These things will help you better understand and will help you prepare in advance on how to respond to the customer. 

2. Use Various channels of Communication.

The customers mostly have access to the company email and phone, where they can interact with their queries. While customer support also relies on these channels, especially email, to solve their problems. There are also examples where the customers avoid communication, or becomes unreachable. Now, why not try the other communication channels to figure out and build your rapport with the customers. Trying phone calls, video calls, or chat, seems more effective in communicating your message than just relying on the mail. These options will message the customer that you are taking the problem seriously and valuing him.

3. Clarify the Boundaries

Everyone has faced terrible cases in their career while dealing with customers. There are instances where the customers yell and abuse, curse them, even make fun of the agent or threaten to leave a negative review, etc. 

Your regard must make a line between you and the customer. This boundary must not be crossed, and the agent must know or need to keep the level.

Further, in a negative situation, the agent need not to get emotional but must listen actively, keep his emotions aside and act intelligently to tackle the problem.

4. Understand the Customer's Point of View

While dealing with clients, it may take time to understand the accurate idea of what the customer wants to say. The main point of view needs to know whether the customer cannot comprehend it clearly or in the emotional state he may be experiencing. You can learn by asking different questions to know exactly what the customer wants to say to make the situation normal. It will be advantageous to show empathy and respond to the customer's problem. 

To understand the situation and the customer's mind at that time, you can ask questions.

Your empathetic phrases, such as( I believe you are right, we need to tackle accordingly)

Can you elaborate on what the exact situation was?

Can you give your suggestion to improve further? 

The tone and wording must be respectful.

5. Identify the Customer's Need and Choose a Good Solution

Providing good services to the customer may help to have information about the customer's needs. To assess their needs, it is necessary to communicate frequently with the customer to know exactly what they expect from the company. After meeting those needs or making improvements, the customer may notice those changes, and you can also highlight and get your feedback from the customers. In this manner, the customer may value your efforts, and their suggestions have been appreciated. This effort will reduce the number of complaints. By building good communication streams with the customers, the customer may provide you the leverage and can also understand your situation. 

The customer's suggested idea will help you get a better solution through feedback.

6. Ask for Help

Having front-line interaction with the customer means you must have maximum knowledge about the products and have the best people skills. But you can't manage all the situations and know all the things. There can be no shame in asking for help from your coworkers or seniors. Involving others in the conversation can bring more chances to solve the problem with diverse perceptions. Moreover, it can be surprising for the customer who will appreciate this step. Customer psychology is that his voice or issue must be heard by the senior authorities who can take the decision in a broader way.   

7. Need to Give a Creative Touch

The customers are the organization's central units for whom they work. We kept on dealing traditionally with the customers. When resolving customer queries, or problems, we need to be creative by providing unique solutions. On different occasions or festivals, we can send them small gifts. The email, cards, video message appreciating the customer, or the small video greeting the customers can build a different place in the customer's heart. The regular customers can be given vouchers to shop or to dine. The dissatisfied customers can be offered an exchange, discount, or small giveaway with the actual product. This small gesture can hit the customers differently.

There can be a customer of the month who will earn a specific number of points and can qualify for the company's surprise gift.  

People need love from the companies besides having mechanical and love-free bonding. The creative gesture or the love initiative will be unexpected for the customer and can turn the terrible experience into a valid reason to make long-term relations. 


The customers need love and wants to be listened. They need to be heard and given acknowledgment. Being in a support line, they must handle the situation in a way the customers feel valued. The progressive step taken must be highlighted so the customer can notice he has been heard. The problematic customers are the opportunity to improve further and turn the situation in your favor.


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