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How Technology Affects Business - Ways the Technology is Changing Business - BizTech

How Technology has Changed Business

The current era is known for its burst of technology. Technological advancement has already pushed the industries to the next level and simultaneously swept those businesses which were reluctant to change. Before the technological revolution, the business pattern seemed quite similar and was applicable constantly throughout the century. It followed the same procedures unless technology's evolution and its effectiveness started influencing almost every industry. Some businesses have adopted a moderate level of change, while many companies are completely transformed. While some enterprises realize the need for technology in their domains, they are planning now on how to deal with and adapt accordingly. 

How Technology Affects Business 

Here are mentioned the ways how technology affects business and how it opens the paths for those sectors which are now planning to adapt to the change.  

The Communication Channel in the Organization.

As communication is critical for the existence of organizations, such as to transfer messages (formal and informal) and deal with daily operations, the organizations can't survive without effective communication channels. The organizations utilize chatbots, virtual meetings on Zoom and Skype, and internal message portals. The companies have been moving towards 24/7 customer support through apps designed to interact with customers. This technique helps collect the customer's information and that can be used to improve customers' experience.  The chat or communication with the customers has mostly become automated, lessening the human influence. These communication channels are saving time and lessening the unambiguity.

The Use of Smartphones and Online Business

With the evolution of computers, business working procedures have been transformed from paper to digital. But, after the internet and the introduction of different platforms such as social media and business applications, the trade models have changed completely. Currently, businesses have become more flexible and more convenient than ever. This easiness has been from the user and the business perspective. Now the companies have become online from purchasing to final selling, for instance, Amazon. The whole process can be done from a single gadget, i.e., a smartphone. The setting of the digitized business is simple and user-friendly. There is no need for a proper physical place to start your business and this advantage is eliminating a huge cost. Moreover, these virtual businesses remain open 24/7, and the customer can place the order within seconds, either sitting in another country or choosing the product of his need.  The trade process has become automated, and the order can be collected, and the assigned warehouses ship those products to the customer. Thus, the trend of online businesses is providing equal opportunity to everyone.

 The Marketing Trends

The marketing trends have changed completely. From television and newspaper, social media has become a marketing zone. Besides this, the companies are using different marketing tactics for customer awareness by giving ads on the games and websites. Certain companies are providing money if the customers watch the specific ads. By observing the customer's preferences, the companies find these methods less costly and more effective in grabbing the customer's attention. The ads through social media support two-way communication, providing a better opportunity for both the seller and customer to exchange their thoughts. The sellers can improve the quality of products or services this way. The customized ads are also designed if the audience belongs to a different region.

The Use of AI


Companies use artificial intelligence (AI) to make their daily operations easy. The AI manages complex and large amounts of information in a simple and understandable format which is helpful in decision making. This can also be used in CRM, security, and real estate sectors. In the business sector, it is used to know about customers purchasing behaviours and can forecast their next move. AI has become the source to simplify tasks, and companies are investing in this to gain a competitive advantage. If we compare the past business process with this invention, the improvement is that the systems have been recognized. The tasks and their results have become more accurate, and the time to perform the job has become precise.

The Increase Use of Robotics

Robots have increased, especially in the production sector, which has replaced humans. With computer software or programs, the robots performed efficiently in the production and stocking sectors. In the hospitality sector, robots are used to make different meals with accuracy and uniformity and can be used in the food industry. The mini or half robots or giant robots are used in various industries or sectors and are performing the tasks free of errors and more systematically.

Centralized Data

In an organization, the daily routines follow the meetings, managing different documents and reports making, gathering information, and much more, which require storage devices or tools. Google Drive, Microsoft SharePoint, and OneDrive have been widely used to collaborate and find the required document for the future. The data remains centralized, and no storage tension can affect the work. This makes file sharing easy, fosters team discussion, and helps manage the goals.

Independent Workers

Another great transformation that has been observed in working setup is the increased use of independent workers known as freelancers. Various websites such as Fiver, Upwork,, etc., provide platforms for skilled persons to earn money while sitting at home. The skills can be simple and basic to complex ones such as making resumes, video editing, designing t-shirts, and postcards, managing social media channels, building a website or an app, and so forth. These sites have reduced unemployment and allowed people to generate a handsome income. The workers are independent in their geographical boundaries, time zones, and working patterns but must abide by the deadlines. Once the project finishes, the relationship between the two parties ends. 


With the changing technology, we can see some of the prominent changes in the different industries. With time, the changes will continue to increase and will further affect the working patterns. To cope with the changes, the companies need to adapt accordingly. Businesses need to plan and formulate the strategies that will help best to generate the results in future. 

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